11th EMISSION CONTROL on june 2023

The transport sector is undergoing drastic changes. In particular the passenger car industry is forced to introduce wide ranging and complex measures to reduce emissions and fuel consumption. Also the testing methodologies will be revised from nearly static measurements to highly dynamic cycles and random testing (RDE). These transformations necessitate a system approach, incorporating all system components in multiple operating situations, and not only for the drive train but also for the whole vehicle! For the upcoming challenges the combustion engine as well as the aftertreatment system need to be made more efficient over a wider range of the engine map. Increasing degrees of electrification should support these measures. Also friction needs to be reduced further anywhere in the vehicle. In order to optimize complex vehicle systems, innovative simulation and testing methods, e.g. hardware- or engine-in-the-loop, are to be used. This will also serve to develop appropriate control strategies.
The 11th EMISSION CONTROL traditionally constitutes an event where experts discuss the above quoted topics on various levels. Some of the latest developments in gasoline-, diesel and gas engines, sustainable mobility and electrification as well as on testing and diagnose will be presented.
The conference will be held in German and English, including simultaneous translation. As an expert’s conference the 11th EMISSION CONTROL offers an excellent platform for the exchange of knowledge and experience in automotive engineering for OEM´s, suppliers and service providers, who accept the challenge and responsibility of a sustainable development.